Manufacturer: BURNHAM (Commercial Boilers)
Warranty: N/A
ProductID: 63a1af2f0ec75e042d65bb95
Reduces dissolved solids from the top level of water in the boiler. Recovers heat from surface blowdown to heat boiler feed or make-up water. ASME Section VII code-stamped flash separator and coil. Separator is sized to accommodate a given percent surface blowdown/flow rate from boiler operating pressure to a given vent psig. Coil is sized to accommodate make-up flow rate at between 8 and 18 psig pressure drop. Model Range: HR-39 (3 GPM blowdown/9 GPM make-up) through HR-30150 (30 GPM blowdown/150 GPM make-up). Complete system configured to include: flash separator mounted above and flanged to a stainless steel or copper coil on stainless steel stand with trap, ball valve, gauge glass, safety valve, 3 thermometers and factory piping. Stainless steel striking plate standard. Flash separator flanged to coil section for ease or removal for cleaning. Openings to facilitate cleaning and inspection standard. Options include multiple boiler manifold and mounting of conductivity controller.